BéLashii Secrets | Lash Training

BéLashii secrets are lash training secrets uncovered by Master Lash Artist, Amelia Kevan. These secrets will help you beat the clock with timing and productivity, enabling you to increase client volume and retention and focus on other aspects of your lash business like…

  • creativity
  • service quality
  • marketing
  • branding and other important tasks!


BéLashii Secret Video #1

BéLashii Secret #1 is to keep both eyes even throughout the eyelash extension application by moving back and forth from one eye to another in a consistent manner.

BéLashii Secret #1 helps with alleviating anxieties and stress from timing, creating flow, and achieving balanced and even lash looks.

BéLashii Secrets Video #2

BéLashii Secret #1 is to keep both eyes even throughout the eyelash extension application by moving back and forth from one eye to another in a consistent manner.

BéLashii Secret #1 helps with alleviating anxieties and stress from timing, creating flow, and achieving balanced and even lash looks.

BéLashii Secrets Video #3

BéLashii Secret #3 is to always isolate the lash you are going to lash before picking up the eyelash extension.

BéLashii Secret #3 helps with reducing lash related stress and anxiety, increasing productivity, decreasing timing, and of course my favorite – creating flow!

BéLashii Secrets Video #4

BéLashii Secret #4 is to always start the lashing application in the corners of the eyes.

BéLashii Secret #4 helps with reducing lash related stress and anxiety, increasing lash speed or reducing timing, building a frame, and preventing lopsided lash looks.

BéLashii Secrets Video #5

BéLashii Secret #5 is to always fix your mistakes right away.

BéLashii Secret #5 helps with overall professionalism, preventing lash damage, creating flawless looks and client satisfaction.

BéLashii Secrets Video #6

BéLashii Secret #6 is to always start with less.

BéLashii Secret #6 helps with enhancing client retention, client satisfaction, and client consultation skills.

BéLashii Secrets Video #7

BéLashii Secret #7 is to always clean the lash line before the eyelash extension application.

BéLashii Secret #7 helps with increasing lash speed, increasing lash retention, and building a strong foundation to build your skill upon.

BéLashii Secrets Video #8

BéLashii Secret #8 is to not focus on lashing every natural lash.

BéLashii Secret #8 helps with creating even, uniformed lash looks, relieving unnecessary stress and anxieties related to getting every natural lash.